Superlative Systems Integration, Inc.

"Keeping the universe moving to the rhythm of bits and bytes" ©

Managed Support Phase

Managed Support

This is a critical phase and the most important when it comes on to Technology. Technical systems operate with both hardware and software. These systems must be maintained for a client to gain maximum use of the products lifetime. Weather these are new installs are systems that have been in place, management is critical. Having a managed approach takes a significant burden of the owner / client. The client needs to focus on the day to day operation of their business and not be worried about the critical Technology infrastructure that is in the background performing processes. Outsourcing the Management makes sense that converts to dollars in business and even residential smart homes. A Managed approach alleviates the cost of major repairs that could have been avoided. We use state of the art equipment that performs deep inspection of critical systems. This makes us proactive with support and not reactive. We implement API’s and SMNP to monitor your Host Devices, IOT devices, Printers, Routers, switches, VOIP Phones and any device assigned an IP address.